We used to blog, then social media happened.
We blogged back when our generation – Generation X – was acting all millennial, before the actual millennials grew up and started acting all, well, millennial.
Cool family photos? Check. Snarky, witty, and cutting memes and commentary? Check. Hip pregnancy announcements and incredibly intricate kids’ birthday parties? You bet.
Even though Scott never grew an ironic beard, he did grow grunge-worthy sideburns and chops. Suzette tried cool new hair styles (which, of course, she promptly hated), had time to try recipes she found on trendy food blogs, and was able to watch actual television shows.
Then, social media came along – right around the same time our kids started growing up and demanding we spend actual time with them (and right around the time Scott stopped growing those awesome sideburns, because they were turning grey-ish).
We started to freak out because we had to think about things like “saving for college”, “retirement”, and “the future”.
Now, all we have time for is pretending we’re still hip, snarky, and trendy – but on social media. It was fun, internet, while it lasted. At least we got to keep our cool banners.